Making sense of space with LEGO

LEGO for Spatial Skills

LEGO is a great way for us to develop spatial skills. spatiaLEGO is research-led and extensively tested with children and adults of all ages, bringing you a fun and useful activity to improve your cognitive skills.

Cognitive Development

Spatial skills help us do things like imagine an object in our head and rotate it or imagine what it would look like sliced in two. They are malleable and can be improved through practice, so activities like spatiaLEGO can help you get better at visualising things in your head.

Useful for STEM

Non-verbal and abstract information is very important in science, maths and technology, where often the things we need to think about can't really be seen. If we want to understand them, we need to be able to create complex representations of them in our heads. Spatial skills help us do that, so people with better spatial skills are more likely to succeed in these fields.

Research Based

There are over 70 years of history connecting spatial skills to success in STEM. The University of Glasgow is pioneering research in Computing Science with world-leading and award-winning research into how spatial skills are useful for scientists and engineers. We have also begun work looking at different ways to develop spatial skills, including spatiaLEGO.

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